Provide Your Content

Use the forms on this page to submit the content for your website project. Once content submitted has been received and verified, it will no longer appear on this page. Once all submitted content has been received, you will see a large green checkmark below.

If you do not have all of your content or do not wish to provide it all now, no problem! You can submit what you have and come back any time to complete.
Submit Content - [Client]

Domain Information

If you have already registered your domain name, enter your information below so we can begin setting up your website at your domain.

Your Logo

Using one of the fields blow, submit a high quality copy of your business logo. You may attach it directly using the File Upload option OR enter a link to it on the web. Please ensure the logo is at least 300 pixels wide.

How do you wish to provide your logo?

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

Service Offerings

Using the fields blow, enter or submit as much of the following information as you can:

  • Detailed descriptions of services you provide
  • Any and all pricing details that you wish to disclose on the website
  • Your unique selling points and/or advantages you offer over competitors
  • Who is your ideal customer and, if different, describe your most common customer.
  • Your geographic service area
How do you wish to provide your services information?

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

Product Offering

Using the fields blow, enter or submit as much of the following information as you can:

  • Detailed descriptions of the products you sell
  • Product Images (if more than 5, send as a ZIP file)
  • Any and all pricing details that you wish to disclose on the website
  • Your unique selling points and/or advantages you offer over competitors
  • Who is your ideal customer and, if different, describe your most common customer.
  • Your geographic service area
How do you wish to provide your product information?

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

Company Background

Your website's About Us page will feature information about your business that helps humanize the company and build report with customers.

Using the fields below, please provide an introduction to your business and any additional details you'd like to include about your company, such as a brief company history, your mission, and photos of your office. If you wish to feature key personnel, include their relevant information, an optional bio, and photo.

How do you wish to provide your company background information?

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

Privacy Policy / Legal

Every website should include a privacy policy for SEO purposes and to inform users of how their data is used. If you serve customers overseas, this is required. You may also with to include any legal disclaimers and a linking policy here.


If pasting multiple policies here, ensure they are clearly separated by a line or other divider so it is clear where each policy begins and ends.

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

Social Media Links

If you would like to showcase links to your social media profiles on your website, include them below. Generally, social media links are displayed in the footer of each page.